Friday, September 26, 2008

William Drake Berkshire

Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts By Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Ephraim Williams, Dudley Atkins Tyng, Octavius Pickering, Theron Metcalf, Luther Stearns Cushing, Horace Gray, Charles Allen, Albert Gallatin Browne: "The Commonwealth owned all the land between Williams"

George Nye vs William Drake

Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts By Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Ephraim Williams, Dudley Atkins Tyng, Octavius Pickering, Theron Metcalf, Luther Stearns Cushing, Horace Gray, Charles Allen, Albert Gallatin Browne: "GEORGE B NYE versus WILLIAM DRAKE If an officer"

SS Drake Phipsburg

The Maine Register and State Reference Book: "u Phipsburg SS Drake CIC Staples FB C Munger MEWHC E Richmond "

Albion Drake Lincolnville

The Maine Register and State Reference Book: "Inspectors of Lime Stone and Lime casks Term of office 4 years DATE OF COM Appleton Hen J Waterman June 4 50 Camden Otis Ingraham Feb y 24 51 Islesboro Isaac G Kellar May 26 49 DATE OF COM LincolnviHe Albion Drake April 23 51 Searsmont Edward Burgess May 26 49 "

Francis K Drake Dover Piscataquis County

The Maine Register and State Reference Book: "riSCATAQUIS COUNTY See note under Aroostook County Judge of Probate Ephraim Packard Blanchard Register of Probate SW Elliot Dover County Attorney Alexander M Robinson Sebec Clerk of Courts Ephraim Flint Dover Register of Deeds EB Averill do County Treasurer Francis K Drake do Probate Courts are holden at Dover on the first Tuesday of each month "

Drake Fowler Marriages

The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record By Richard Henry Greene, Henry Reed Stiles, Melatiah Everett Dwight, George Austin Morrison, Hopper Striker Mott, John Reynolds Totten, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Louis Effingham De Forest, Harold Minot Pitman, Charles Andrew Ditmas, Conklin Mann, Arthur S. Maynard: "ANCESTORS Charles Anthony Fowler 1848 M Virginia Northrup 1853 1908 Theodore Fowler 1812 1872 Mary A Lounsbury Jeremiah Drake Fowler 1785 1828 Elizabeth Anthony Reuben Fowler 1753 1832 Martha Drake Reuben Fowler 1720 1785 Jane Vallentine Jeremiah Fowler 1699 1766 Sarah Dusenbury William Fowler 1681 1731 Mary Drake William Fowler 1714 Mary Thome Joseph Fowler 1610 Sarah Belts John Fowler 1645 Frances Webb "

Cornelius Drake Junr Mowhawk Valley 1800

Cornelius Drake Jr
Town of Salisbury Montgomery County

Added Note: Herkimer County, Palatine

The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record By Richard Henry Greene, Henry Reed Stiles, Melatiah Everett Dwight, George Austin Morrison, Hopper Striker Mott, John Reynolds Totten, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Louis Effingham De Forest, Harold Minot Pitman, Charles Andrew Ditmas, Conklin Mann, Arthur S. Maynard: "ElvaserCar III 2 I a I Cornelius Drake Junr 1 1 I Nathaniel Debell IIII Mordekey Deckenson 2 3 IIIII "

Charles Drake Mowhawk Valley 1800

Town of Mayfield Fulton County

The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record By Richard Henry Greene, Henry Reed Stiles, Melatiah Everett Dwight, George Austin Morrison, Hopper Striker Mott, John Reynolds Totten, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Louis Effingham De Forest, Harold Minot Pitman, Charles Andrew Ditmas, Conklin Mann, Arthur S. Maynard: "ohn Cushion 3 2 IIIII 1 I Hubart Hesediah 2 I 3 2 I Charles Drake 4 2 i I 5alem Burr I 2 2 II 2 II 2 II "

Probate of Samuel Drake Sr NY will

Names Mentioned
Samuel Drake Sr.
Lofelan/Loughlin/Loffel Slater-Son in Law
Joseph Jones Son in Law to Samuel Drake
Rebecca Wife of Joseph Jones, Daughter of Samuel Drake

East Chester
The Bronx

The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record By Richard Henry Greene, Henry Reed Stiles, Melatiah Everett Dwight, George Austin Morrison, Hopper Striker Mott, John Reynolds Totten, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Louis Effingham De Forest, Harold Minot Pitman, Charles Andrew Ditmas, Conklin Mann, Arthur S. Maynard: "Samuel Drake Sr of Eastchester deeded to daughter Ruth Drake 80 acres of land in Bronx in 1679 Samuel Drake Sr of Eastchester deeded to son in law Lofeland Slather 80 acres of land in Bronksis in 1682 Liber A p 39 In 1679 Rutn Drake acknowledges to have received her portion from her father Samuel Drake Sr and in 1682 Loften Seafferton of Brunkshes River do fully allow approve etc that which my loving wife hath done for our maredge in acquitting her honoured father Samuel Drake etc Eastchester Town Records In the records of the two wills of Samuel Dr"

Capt John Drake Guardian

1704 Captain John Drake- Uncle and Guardian of Sarah White Daughter of Nathan White

The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record By Richard Henry Greene, Henry Reed Stiles, Melatiah Everett Dwight, George Austin Morrison, Hopper Striker Mott, John Reynolds Totten, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Louis Effingham De Forest, Harold Minot Pitman, Charles Andrew Ditmas, Conklin Mann, Arthur S. Maynard: "Sarah White daughter and orphan of Nathaniel White of East Chester dec d released her uncle and guardian Capt John Drake from all further responsibility concerning her estate Nov 3 1704 Liber C p 338 William Hunt of Perschtoway NJ deeded to Daniel Hunt "

Appeal of the Will of Henry Drake Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut

Names Mentioned
Henry Drake
William Drake-Brother
Timothy Drake-Brother
Miss Jenny D Lavery-Young Friend
Nathan Drake-Brother
Samuel Drake-Brother
Mrs. Oliver Mills-Sister
Mrs Eliza Wells-Sister
Mrs Ellen Kellog-Sister

The American Probate Reports Containing Recent Cases of General Value Decided in the Courts of the Several States on Points of Probate Law, with Notes and References .. By William Whitehead Ladd, Wm W Ladd, Charles Fisk Beach, Abraham Adolf Greenhoot: "DRAKE"