Saturday, September 20, 2008

Drakes, Buckland Monachorum

Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon By Sir William Pole, ... Now First Printed from the Autograph in the Possession of His Lineal Descendant Sir John-William de la Pole, Bart. ... By William Pole: "BUCKLAND MONACHORUM BUCKLAND MONACHORUM In this place the Lady Amifia wief of Bald 35 wyn de Ridvers Erie of Devon bwilded a monaftery gave the whole manner of Buckland unto yc fame After yc diflblucion Crymes of London purchafed the mannor & bwilded for himfelf a dwellinge hovvfe uppon the fame wch hee left to defcend unto William Crymes his fonne whofe fonne Crymes nowe enjoyeth the fame The abbey fcite & demefnes was purchafed by Sr Richard Grenvill whereon hee bwilt a fayre newe howfe & afterward fold it unto Sr Francis Drake that famous travailer wch made it his dwellinge place & after his death & the death of the Lady Elifabeth his wief daughter & "

John Drake Ashe and Exmouth Herevarsore

Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon By Sir William Pole, ... Now First Printed from the Autograph in the Possession of His Lineal Descendant Sir John-William de la Pole, Bart. ... By William Pole: "HEREVARSORE HEREVARSORE or HARVORESHORE Robert le Baftard held anno 20 of Will m Conq of wch famyly I fhall more particularly fett downe hereafter by Beadyn and by Whitlegh it defcended unto Grenvill Sr Richard Gren till granted this lande unto John Drake of Afh Efq fonne of John Drake of Exmouth w Amy his fitter in manage anno 26 of Kinge Henry 8 & the "

John Drake Piswill

Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon By Sir William Pole, ... Now First Printed from the Autograph in the Possession of His Lineal Descendant Sir John-William de la Pole, Bart. ... By William Pole: "PISWIL L PISWILL in this parifli was likewife the land of Orvvey & by Alis daughter of Waryn Hampton wief of John Bellet dcfcended unto John Drake of Exmouth whoe gave it unto John Drake of Exceter his younger fonne by on of whofe daughters it defcended unto Nathaniell May & hee hath fold it unto Henry Henley of Somerfetfliire Efq1 The patron of the church of Kentisbeare is Sir John Windham valcwed 27 ns od "

Daughters of John Drake

Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon By Sir William Pole, ... Now First Printed from the Autograph in the Possession of His Lineal Descendant Sir John-William de la Pole, Bart. ... By William Pole: "RAPLINGHAYES RAPLINGHAYES or GERINGSTON in this parifh Thabbot of Dunkefwell held half a knighte"

William Drake Sherwood

Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon By Sir William Pole, ... Now First Printed from the Autograph in the Possession of His Lineal Descendant Sir John-William de la Pole, Bart. ... By William Pole: "SHERWOOD SHERWOOD a fmall freehold wthin this mannor fometyme the land of Shirvvood & purchafed by Will m Weftofer & is defcended unto Marg et his grandchild by his fonne Will m ye wief of Will10 Drake of Yardbiry Gent The patron of y church of Fenyton is George Gary Efqr valewed 16 1 8 5 PAYHEMBIRY "

John Drake Rill and Withecomb

Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon By Sir William Pole, ... Now First Printed from the Autograph in the Possession of His Lineal Descendant Sir John-William de la Pole, Bart. ... By William Pole: "RILL RILL lieth in this parifh wch had his auncient owners of yl name & from them it came unto John the fonne of Willam Dupe who died vvthout iffue in Kinge Rich 2 tyme & then this & Exton came unto John Sokefpich the fonne of Matild on of y fitters of Will m Dupe & unto John Cole the fonne of Ka terin the other fitter of Willam Dupe From John Cole defcended John Cole whofe daughtr Agnes was maried unto John Drake of Exmouth before fett downe & they gave this land unto John their young fonne & foe it if defcended unto Thomas Raymond whofe nowe it is Sokefpich alfoc rc mayneth unto this day WITHECOMB The manner of WITHECOMB now Thos Ray"

John Drake Exmouth

Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon By Sir William Pole, ... Now First Printed from the Autograph in the Possession of His Lineal Descendant Sir John-William de la Pole, Bart. ... By William Pole: "EXMOUTH EXMOUTH is of this parifh where the river Ex or Efle doth difcharge his waters into the fea In this place dwelled John Drake a man of great eftate from whom is iflued Sr John Drake of Afli The faid John Drake had iflue a younger fonne alfoe called John a great merchantman wch maried Margaret daughter of William Aurft of Exceftr ye widowe of Richard Martyn of Exceter by whom hee had iffue twoe daughters betwixt whom hee left a great eftate His daughter Julian was wief of Thomas Raymont of Chard whofe fonna Thomas enjoyeth lands heere Gilbert Drake the youngeft fonne of John Drake the elder before mencioned had from his father in this place a howfe 8c"

John Drake Esq

Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon By Sir William Pole, ... Now First Printed from the Autograph in the Possession of His Lineal Descendant Sir John-William de la Pole, Bart. ... By William Pole: "WET HERTON NETHERTON vthin this parifli fometyme belonginge unto Cannon Legh pur chafed by Piers It was the leather fellers Sr Barnard Drake K1 purchafed this land Lowman had the demefnes & left it unto Phillip his fonne who fold it unto Edmond Prideaux Baronet younger fonne of Roger Prideaux of Soldon Efq wch alfoe purchafed the mannor of John Drake Efquier & a little parcell from Swayne Hee hath bwilded theire a fayre howfe & it is nowe the dwellinge of Sr Peter Prideaux Baronet The faici Edmond maried unto his firft wief Bridget daughtr of Sr John Chichefter thelder K & had by her three daughters maried unto Ailworth Fortefcu of Fallopit c Moyle of Bake"

John Drake Whitford

Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon By Sir William Pole, ... Now First Printed from the Autograph in the Possession of His Lineal Descendant Sir John-William de la Pole, Bart. ... By William Pole: "WHITFORD WHITFORD was in like fort the land of Thomas Baflet & the hufband of Alis daughter of Thomas before mencion d From the faid Alis iffucd Law renc Sanford lord of this manner hee had iffue Thomas Sanford wch died wthout iffue & Alda maried unto Sr Walter Folliot & after unto Sr Peter Brewes After this it became therles of Devon & defcended in yl lyne as aforefayde & after the death of Edward Erie of Devon this mannor came unto ye fowre heires generall as is formerly fett downe & this mannor thon moytye j ye Lord Petre a quarter part Sr John Drake & the other part my felf doe enjoy lately by write of particion & deede devided unto"

Drakes of Yarkomb

Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon By Sir William Pole, ... Now First Printed from the Autograph in the Possession of His Lineal Descendant Sir John-William de la Pole, Bart. ... By William Pole: "YARKCOME YARKCOMB anciently YARTICUMBE in the hundred of Axminfter taketh his name of ye river Yarte weh hath his rifing in Bokland in Somerfetfhire wt wch jt js bounded North & Eaft Wm Conq gave this manner unto thab bey of Sl Michael in Periculo Maris wch allotted it unto their priory at Oter ton After ye diflblution it contynewed in the Crowne & was granted by Queene Elifabeth unto Robert Dudley Erie of Leceft who fold it unto Richard Drake Efq 3 fonne out of the howfe of Afh & hee in like fold it unto Sr Francis Drake Kr yl great travailer & by Thomas his brother it is nowe difcended unto Sr Francis Drake Baronet ye fonne of ye faid Thomas"

Interesting English Drake Marriages

Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon By Sir William Pole, ... Now First Printed from the Autograph in the Possession of His Lineal Descendant Sir John-William de la Pole, Bart. ... By William Pole: "tvthout iffue after whom fbcceeded Warin Hampton ye fonne of Phillip ye other filler of Orwey hee had iflue Jone thrice marled namely unto John Bonvili John Sachvill & thirdly unto Faringdon & Alis vvief of John Billet unto whom Adi was allotted John Billet & Alis had iffue Crif tian firft marled unto John Drake & fecondly unto Richard Francheney & had John Drake & Chriftopher Francheney wch after ye death of his father & mother held Afb & after hym Symon his fonne againfr whom John Drake of Exmouth brought his Formedon being fonne of John & Agnes daughter of John Keloway ye fonne of John and of yc daughter of John Crevves of Crews Morchard fonn"

John Drake

Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon By Sir William Pole, ... Now First Printed from the Autograph in the Possession of His Lineal Descendant Sir John-William de la Pole, Bart. ... By William Pole: "WIK E WIKE or NORTHWIKE is in the parifh of Axminfter ftanding foutherly from the tovvne & was aunciently the enheritanc & dwellinge of a knightly family called Doune whoe had alfoe land neere the fea called Doune 8c Downe Raph for yl many of the firft owners were called Raph The laft called Hugh de Downe left twoe daughters Amifia maried unto Henry Ledred & Ifabell unto John Holcomb Wike fell in coparcianory unto Ledred whofe fonne Roger Ledred left Alis his daughter wief of Willm Strode of Parham in Dorfetfhire unto whom fucceeded lineally Will 1 John Robert John & Sr Robert Strode K whofe daughter Katerin was maried unto S Richard Strode fonne of Sr Willa"

John Drake Musbiry

Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon By Sir William Pole, ... Now First Printed from the Autograph in the Possession of His Lineal Descendant Sir John-William de la Pole, Bart. ... By William Pole: "MUSBIR Y MUSBIRY lieth in both the hundreds of Axmifter & Axmouth now in re repmacion on but aunciently nvoe hundreds The manner of Mufbiry de videth the twoe hundreds by a little ftreame runninge in the middel of yc village the North fide Axminfter & ye South fide Axmouth This manner in the Conqueror"

John Drake Uplyme

Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon By Sir William Pole, ... Now First Printed from the Autograph in the Possession of His Lineal Descendant Sir John-William de la Pole, Bart. ... By William Pole: "UPLYM E UPLYME accordinge unto yc fignificatioo of the name is a bordering parifh uppon ye county of Dorfet & ftretcheth itfelf unto the fea uppon the South beinge devided by a little ftream iffuing from the North & runneth unto the fea in yc middle of ye towne of Lyme Regis beinge the utmoft border by yc fea of Dorfetfhire This mannor was the ancient enheritanc of thabbey of Glaftenbury & after the furrender thereof unto yc Kinge H 8 it was pur chafed by John Drake of Aflie Efqur great grandfather unto Sr John Drake y nowe is whofe father John fold a part thereof unto John Jones a merchant of Lyme Regis whofe heire now enjoyeth yf fame Sr John Dr"

John Drake of Ashe

Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon By Sir William Pole, ... Now First Printed from the Autograph in the Possession of His Lineal Descendant Sir John-William de la Pole, Bart. ... By William Pole: "Edward Southcot of Santon K John Drake of Aftie K Henry Rowfwell of Forde K Walter Erie of Bindon Kf Samuel Somaifter of Pinford Kr "

Francis Drake of Buckland

Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon By Sir William Pole, ... Now First Printed from the Autograph in the Possession of His Lineal Descendant Sir John-William de la Pole, Bart. ... By William Pole: "Francis Drake of Buckland Baronet 20 Auguft 20 Jacobi 1622 George Chidleigh of Afton Baronet the i of Auguft 20 Jacobi 1622 Thomas Hele of Fleete Baronet 28 May 3 Car 162 Lewes Pollard of Kingefnymeton Baronet 31 of May 3 Caroli 1627 "

Barnard and Frances Srake

Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon By Sir William Pole, ... Now First Printed from the Autograph in the Possession of His Lineal Descendant Sir John-William de la Pole, Bart. ... By William Pole: "Barnard Drake of Alhe knighted 1585 George Carevv of Upton Helen knighted 1586 Lo Carew of Clopton & Erie of Totneis Willam Peryam of Fulford by Crediton Chief Baron knighted 1592 Carew Ralegh of Fardell knighted 1600 Thomas Dennys of Bicketon knighted in Holland by therl of Leiceflr 1586 Thomas Afton of Bradlegh knighted at Cales Willam Strode of Newnbam K Richard Champernon of Modbiry Kc Frances Drake of Buckland Monacorum knighted 1581 Arthur Chichefter of Santon K brother of Sr John Jn Chichefter K bror of Sr Arthur flayne in Ireland Peter Carew of Opton Helen"

Sir John Drake

England's Gazetteer, or an accurate description of all the cities, towns and villages of the kingkom Or, an Accurate Description of All the Cities, Towns, and Villages of the Kingdom. In Three Volumes. ... By Stephen Whatley: "L i ME Lyme Regis in Dorfetlhire by a little lake that rifes under the hill above it and is fo called in regard to Nether Lime which lies in the bottom by the fea It bel once to Glaftonbury Abbey and at the DiiT was purchafed of Hen VIII by Sir John Drake Up LoMAN to the NE of Tiverton ftands on the higheft part of Lake Loman After be "

Sir Will Drake

England's Gazetteer, or an accurate description of all the cities, towns and villages of the kingkom Or, an Accurate Description of All the Cities, Towns, and Villages of the Kingdom. In Three Volumes. ... By Stephen Whatley: "p of Sutton Valence was fold in 1690 by Sir Edw Hales to Sir Will Drake and in 1708 by the truftces of Mountague Drake an infant to Chriftopher Delbouverie afterwards knighted "

Sir Bernard Drake

England's Gazetteer, or an accurate description of all the cities, towns and villages of the kingkom Or, an Accurate Description of All the Cities, Towns, and Villages of the Kingdom. In Three Volumes. ... By Stephen Whatley: "NETHERTON Devon near Sid mouth be anciently to the abbey of Cannon"

Sir John Drake Devon

England's Gazetteer, or an accurate description of all the cities, towns and villages of the kingkom Or, an Accurate Description of All the Cities, Towns, and Villages of the Kingdom. In Three Volumes. ... By Stephen Whatley: "MUSBXRY DiiwB near Upper Ottery bel formerly to the Court neys Es of Devon j and coming afterwards to the crown was purchased by the anceftors of Sir John Drake late Ld of the manor "

Sir John Drake of Ash, Sir John Drake of Trill and Ash

The Baronetage of England Containing a Genealogical and Historical Account of All the English Baronets Now Existing ... Illustrated with Their Coats of Arms ... To which is Added an Account of Such Nova Scotia Baronets as are of English Families; and a Dictionary of Heraldry ... by E. Kimber and R. Johnson By Thomas] [Wotton, Edward Kimber: "13 Car II tie had to wife Elizabeth daughter of Sir William Strode of Newnham in Devonfhire Knt by whom he bad iflue five fons i John who died an infant 2 Sir Walter his fucceflbr 3 Robert 4 William married to Jane daughter of Sir John Drake of Afh in Devonfhire Bart and 5 George who died young alfo four daughters Jane married to Sir John Drake of Trill and Afh Bart to whom fhe was firft wife Elizabeth married to Thomas Hodges of Shipton Moigne in Glocefterfliire Efq Mary and Sarah who both died infants "

Drake of Drakerath

The Peerage of Ireland Or, A Genealogical History of the Present Nobility of that Kingdom By John Lodge, Mervyn Archdall: "Sir Chrif Which Sir Chriftopher of Crickftown in the county of topher Meath in 1445 and 1446 was Chief Juftice of the King"

The British observator

The British observator: "Porifaiutl p l i Sin e my laft came in the Lou ifa 1 op Darntord i from London ad the Three S fters IVterfon from Crittianf r d an failed the New Hunpfhi p Hill for Mew England From Spthead fa d his MaXry Moop the wift Captain D r ll on a Criiifej as did hi M jeUy"

Sir William Drake

A Journey Through England In Familiar Letters from a Gentleman Here, to His Friend Abroad By John Macky: "up all his Life to the Sea Sir William Drake and Mr Aijlaby confiderable Members of the Honourable Hdufe of Commons and Mr Clerk who was Se "

Drake Aylesbury

A Journey Through England In Familiar Letters from a Gentleman Here, to His Friend Abroad By John Macky: "the ba o 9 j Drake the Family has a fne SeatntterAylesbury Vale Pucker Sir Matthew hat tLpn&mtfe "

Drake Pedigree Errors to be expected

The Gentleman's Magazine: "PEDIGREE William Totehill of SharJelowes OFDRAK E Catharine dau of Sir John Dciilum Francis Drake of E her efq T Joan died 161 j Sir William kt hi d fingle aged ij purchafed A c r iu luicih ni heir to his mater n al grandfather John died at four years old Francis Joai Samuel Trotman of Suton c Glonc r Elizab h Monntague i675 pSir William Jane Garrard Mountagoe d Mar Tyrrwhit Frances illiam Elizabeth d 1714 49 i 1698 25 Charles Dorothy all d infants Isabella Marfhall d 1 744 r 17191 M untague Garrard Mary Sir Redmond Everard br Elizabetl i ip William LL DMP for Ag Thomas reflor of A g j Eliz Whitting Mr Ra worth mondelbnm d 1796 Aug S mor deiham d 1775 ton d i7 c fi 1 Ifabetl m m Tho e Sarab m Au Tho Dorrien of Macclexfi lJ giiftus Pechcl 1 m G ii ge Talbot William LL DMP Thomas Drake for Agrnondelrnm il Tyiwhit MP 1795 111."

Gulielmus Drake & Francifci Drake

The Gentleman's Magazine: "Mr URBAN Juneii THE following notes taken in Whitfnn week of the prelent year may throw fome light on the family of DRAKE which was the object of enquiry in LXV1 707 RWGK The church of AGMONDESHAM Amerfliam hi been re built by fome of the Drike faiuly on the old four ditions and crnfifls of a nave with two aites two tranfepts and a South porch a chancel with a North chapel the burying place of the family a veftty and an embattled fquare to wer with an hexigon one on tbe fide Ou the N fide of the chancel within the rails if a marble monument with a half figure of a man in a gown and wig lilting up the left hand the right on his brcaft and ttiit infcription Gulrelmns Drake eq & haronettus Frantifci Drake ex Joanna conjure nlius natu maximus avi materna ex arTe h es arrjpltfiimofumlo& grandi peeunU locu pletatus qua patre qoo fe xre"

Abraham Drake V Isaac Cosens

Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Massachusetts By Massachusetts County Court (Essex County), George Francis Dow: "Abraham Drake v Isaac Cosens Debt Due upon bill and a weanable mare colt which should have been delivered at Hampton and four pounds more in goods at price current to be delivered at Boston all of which should have been paid in the year 1662 Verdict for plaintiff Jno Colby v Town of Salisbury 146 SALISBURY QUARTERLY COURT Apr "

Robert Drake of Hampton

Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Massachusetts By Massachusetts County Court (Essex County), George Francis Dow: "Jno Hoyt of Salisbury and Rob Drake of Hampton took the freeman"

Batcheller V Francis Drake

Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Massachusetts By Massachusetts County Court (Essex County), George Francis Dow: "Abraham Pirkins v Christopher Palmer For forfeiture of a bond of 10li Not standing to the award of an arbitration Mr Sam Dudley Jno Oilman and Jno Redman being the arbitrators Verdict for plaintiff Appealed to next court of Assistants Christopher Palmer and Morris Hobbs bound Natt Batcheller v Francis Drake Trespass For mowing his marsh carrying away his hay after being warned and going about to alter the title of his land Verdict for defendant Humphrey Wilson v Tho King Jno Warrin and Jno Gillman For not keeping him from annoyance by water according to covenant 1662 RECORDS AND FILES 3 "

Job Drake Guardian of Lydia Porter

Jacob Drake appointed guardian of Lydia Porter age 15 dated October 4, 1726

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "Porter John Windsor Invt 308 14 11 Taken 5 May 1724 by Samuel Loomis Nathaniel Cook and Timothy Loomis Court Record Page 50 5 May 1724 The widow declining Adms this Court grant letters unto Samuel Pettebone son of John Pettebone Page 136 4 October 1726 Samuel Pettebone Adms exhibits an account of his dist Accepted This Court appoint Jacob Drake to be guardian unto Lydia Porter a minor 15 years of age Recog 50 Dist File 7 October 1726 To Sarah Porter the widow to Mary Pettebone to Catharine Porter to Lydia Porter and to Ann Porter By Thomas Moore John Palmer and Henry Allyn Porter Thomas Farmington Court Record Page 152 2 May 1727 Adms to Timothy Porter father of the sd decd who gave bond with James Church of Hartford Rec 100 "

John Drake Simsbury

Family Relationships mentioned.
John Drake Husband
Mary Drake Widow of John
Mary Drake 3 Year old Daughter of John Drake
Dated March 1724-5

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "Page 93 4 5 Drake John Simsbury Died February 1724 5 Inventory taken 24 February 1724 5 by Samuel Pettebone Joseph Case and Andrew Robe Court Record Page 72 2 March 1724 5 Adms granted to Mary Drake widow And this Court appoint Mary Drake to be guardian to Mary Drake a minor 3 years of age only child of sd decd "

Debt of Jacob Drake due to Thomas Cook

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "Cook Thomas Windsor Will dated 27 February 1718 19 I Thomas Cook of Windsor do make and ordain this my last wilt and testament I give to my grandchildren that is to say ye present children of Samuel Allyn all my hpusen and lands which I have in sd Town of Windsor to be equally divided between them I give to my sd grandchildren what is due to me on 3 bonds one of them for 20 in silver due from Jacob Drake one for 10 half silver 1 2 paper the other for 6 in paper the two last due from Jacob Drake also to me I give to my son John Cook all ye rest of my estate whether real or personal I make and constitute my sd son John Cook to be my executor THOMAS COOK LS A codicil Before signing and sealing I give also to my sd grandchildren I bond due from Thomas Hoskins to me for 12 silver with interest on ye same and 1 bond from Isaac"

Mention of Nathaniel Drake-Alverd Will

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "a Page 202 1st October 1728 The Adms exhibited an account of their Adms Allowed Order to dist the estate to the brothers and sisters To Benedict Alverd to Job Alverd Jane Barbour and Joanna Loomis to each of them the sum of 11 12 11 and to Jeremiah Alvord the sum of 0 09 04 besides what he hath already had And appoint Thomas Moore Nathaniel Drake and Timothy Loomis distributors Page 46 Probate Side Vol XI Know all men by these presents That we the undersigned have mutually agreed with each other that the estate of our sister Elizabeth Alverd late of Windsor decd shall be dist And we hereby bind ourselves to stand and abide by this agreement Signed and sealed BENEDICT ALVERD LS JOB ALVERD LS JANE BARBOUR LS JOANNA LOOMIS LS JEREMIAH ALVERD LS JOHN BARBOUR LS BENJAMIN LOOMIS LS Witness Henry Allyn Ann Allyn "

Will of Esther Williams, Job and Elisabeth Drake Witneses

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "son Isaac 35 in wheat and pork within one year after my decease But if my son John is willing to renounce his right in the abovesd house and homested then my will is that my son John shall have my woodlott that I bought of James Enno I appoint my sons John and Isaac executors Witness Job Drake ESTHER WILLIAMS LS Elizabeth Drake "

Mary Morton mother of Ann Drake

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "furniture belonging thereunto one trunk 11 napkins one Holland shift all my wearing apparrell and other clothes two boxes one pewter basin and three of my biggest pewter platters and one table cloth two little wheels one great wheel all these I bequeath to my sd granddaughter to be her own I give to my granddaughter Hannah Morton the daughter of my son Thomas Morton 1s to each of the children of my daughter Ann Drake 1s I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Loomis one new bed ticking and one bolster one powdering tub one blankett all which particulars my sd daughter hath already in her hands All my other moveable estate of what kind soever I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Coult I appoint my son John Morton executor Witness William Williams MARY X MORTON LS Gabriel Williams William Williams Jr Court Record Page 122 1st March 1720 Will proven "

Will of John Moore several Drakes Mentioned

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "my son Joseph deceased and the other half to my sons viz John Thomas Samuel Edward and Josiah My real estate I have already disposed of by deeds of gift to my sons Finally I do nominate and appoint my two sons John and Thomas to be executors Witness John Bissell JOHN MOORE SEN LS Nathaniel Drake Court Record Page 74 5 August 1718 Will proven Page 113 6th October 1719 Joseph Farnsworth guardian to Martha Moore moves this Court for a distribution of estate to Martha Moore Not ordered Page 29 Vol XI 6 October 1730 Capt Thomas Moore and John Moore executors accot not accepted Page 67 15 May 1732 This Court grant an appeal unto Job Drake of Windsor from one decree of this Court holden at Hartford on the third Tuesday of November 1730 allowing an account of debts unto Thomas Moore and John Moore executors of the last will of John Moore Esq late of Win"

Mrs. Elizabeth Drake

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "Page 96 Foster Ann Windsor Invt 8 03 04 Taken 29 November 1721 by Nathaniel Cooke and John Porter Court Record Page 160 5 December 1721 Adms to Mrs Elizabeth Drake of Windsor widow "

Will of Jonathan Drake

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "Page 10o Drake Jonathan Windsor Invt 153 16 02 Taken 2 July 1716 by Samuel Rockwell Samuel Moore and William Wolcott Court Record Page 21 4 September 1716 Adms to Esther Drake widow Page 45 2 December 1717 Esther Drake widow exhibits an account of her Adms Accepted Order to dist the estate To Esther Drake widow for bringing up the children 33 00 00 to Benjamin Drake only son a double portion of the estate to Esther and Eunice Drake daughters their single portions And appoint Samuel Rockwell William Wolcott and Samuel Moore distributors This Court appoint Job Drake to be guardian to Benjamin Drake son of sd decd and Mrs Esther Drake to be guardian to her two daughters Esther and Eunice Drake Page 260 "

Enock Drake

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "Phelps John Palmer and Samuel Phelps Will dated 2 February 1721 2 I Peter Brown of Windsor doe make this my last will and testament I give unto my son Peter all my lands lying in a place called Scotland also I ratify and confirm to him what I have already given to him by deed of jjuift I give to my son Samuel my dwelling house and land adjoining also I give my barn and the land adjoining about 3 acres be it more or less unto my son Samuel I give to my son Samuel my lott which was formerly Nathaniel Gillett"

Mary Drake Widow of John

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "Page 126 Watson Samuel Windsor Invt 194 02 01 Taken 23 November 1711 by Abraham Phelps Sen Nathaniel Gaylord Sen and Samuel Moore Court Record Page 40 25 November 1711 Adms granted to Ebenezer and Jedediah Watson brothers of the sd decd Page 70 9 April 1712 Ebenezer and Jedediah Watson Adms exhibited an account of their Adms It being objected to by persons interested a notification was issued for a hearing Page 76 5 May 1712 The Adms now exhibit an account of their Adms Accepted Order to dist the estate to the brothers and sisters of sd deceased To John Ebenezer Jedediah to the heirs of Nathaniel Watson decd to Mary Drake widow of John Drake late of Windsor to the heirs of Hannah Bird deceased sisters to each of them 29 19 05 1 2 And appoint Lt Daniel Heydon Jr Thomas Moore and Lt Joshua Willes of Windsor distributors Page 260 Probate Side Vol IX "

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "Page 117 Morton William Jr Invt 51 10 00 Taken by Samuel Burnham and John Burnham Court Record Page 43 7 January 1711 12 Adms of estate of William Morton late of Windsor deceased now granted to John Morton brother of the decd Page 115 2 March 1712 13 John Morton Adms exhibits now an account of his Adms Order to dist the estate to the surviving brothers and sisters or their legal representatives sd To John Morton brother who also 7 16 06 Recd from Anne Drake and Mary Colt by purchase 15 13 00 To the heirs of Thomas Morton 7 16 07 To Samuel and Sarah Morton to each of them 7 16 06 And appoint Roger Wolcott Joseph Olmsted and Nathaniel Pitkin distributors John Morton granted a Quietus Est Page 160 Vol X 4 July 1727 It is represented to this Court by Noah Loomis that the estate of sd decd had not been distributed according to an order of Cou"

Joseph Drake

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "Morton William Sen Windsor Invt 297 10 10 Taken by Joseph Olmsted Roger Pitkin and Samuel Burnham Court Record Page 43 7 January 1711 12 Adms granted to John Morton son of sd decd Page 114 2 March 1712 13 John Morton Adms exhibits now an account of his Adms Order to dist the estate sd To Mary Morton widow 63 12 00 To John Morton 72 01 02 To Ann Drake wife of Joseph Drake 36 00 07 To Mary Colt wife of Jabez Colt 36 00 07 To the heirs of Thomas Morton 36 00 07 To Samuel Morton 36 00 07 To Sarah Morton 36 00 07 And appoint Roger Wolcott Jr Deacon Joseph Olmsted and Nathaniel Pitkin of Hartford distributors John Morton Adms is granted a Quietus Est Page 231 3 January 1714 15 Report of the distributors "

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "Grant Samuel Carpenter Windsor Invt 245 04 08 Taken 30 May 1710 by Thomas Bissell Sen Job Drake and Samuel Burnham Court Record Page 13 5 June 1710 Adms granted to Grace Grant widow and Matthew Grant a brother Page 116 12 February 1712 13 Grace Grant and Matthew Grant Adms exhibit an account of their Adms sd "

Will of Symon Drake

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "Page 176 Drake Symon Windsor In vt 93 11 00 Taken 25 April 1712 by Thomas Moore Thomas Marshall and William Phelps "

Will of Job Drake Jr.

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "Drake Job Jr Windsor Will dated 14 October 1712 I Job Drake Jr son of Lt Job Drake decd do make this my last will and testament I give to my honoured mother Elizabeth Drake the use and improvement of the new dwelling house and lands belonging to it which was my grandfather"

Will of Job Drake Sen.

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "Page 102 222 Drake Job Sen Windsor Invt 541 05 03 Taken 19 December 1711 by Thomas Griswold Sen and Timothy Thrall AN AGREEMENT FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF THE ESTATE OF JOB DRAKE Know all Christians to whome these presents shall come That we Elizabeth Drake the relict and Jacob Drake John Porter and Mary his wife Roger Wolcott and Sarah his wife being children and the only surviving heirs and successors unto Lt Job Drake late of the Town of Windsor decd have mutually and lovingly agreed to make a settlement and do hereby make a final division and settlement of the estate of our loving husband and honoured father Lt Job Drake Imprimis Elizabeth Drake the relict to have the negro servant Diego the great brass kettle featherbed bedsted boulster pillows ruggs "

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "Codicil dated 10 July 1710 On serious consideration I think meet to alter somewhat in my will on the other side in 2 particulars First respecting my daughter Elizabeth Drake wife to Lt Job Drake my will is that she shall have a double portion out of my dividable estate and the other two parts to be divided between my other two daughters Mary and Sarah Witness John Moore Sen DANIEL CLARKE LS Thomas Moore Court Record Page 18 8 September 1710 Will and invt exhibited "

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "Page 273 See also Page 100 1 for Will and Invt in Vol IX Bissell Nathaniel Windsor Invt 657 00 02 Taken 24 March 713 14 by Job Drake and John Elsworth Will dated 23 September 1713 The last will and testament of Nathaniel Bissell is as followeth I give to my wife her choice of any two rooms in my house or to live with David also furniture Also I give her 6 yearly to be paid by my sons "