Saturday, September 27, 2008

John Robert Drake Marriage to Sarah H. Innman

The New England.Historical and Genealogical Register for the year 1858.VOLUME XII. By Samuel G. Drake, Editor: "
MARRIAGES DRAKE Mr John Robert of Memphis Tcnn son of Mr Samuel G Drake of Boston 28 Nov to Miss Sarah H Inn man youngest daughter of the late Henry Innman of New York at Memphis by the Rev Dr C.T. Quintard PORTER Josiah Esq of Cambridge 21 "

Hannah Drake Wife of John Higley

The New England.Historical and Genealogical Register for the year 1858.VOLUME XII. By Samuel G. Drake, Editor: "
Here are deposited the remains of Mrs Hannah Trumbull late wife of Higley of Simsbury Esqur who came from Capt Joseph Trumbull Daughter of John Frimley in ye County of Surrey by Mrs Hannah Drake his first wife She was born Lebanon 8th Nov 1768 aged 85 years 6 mo & 15 days at Windsor 22 1 April 1683 Died at "

Obit of Betsey Drake Wife Of Jonathan Middleborough

The New England Historical and Genealogical Register By New England Historic Genealogical Society: "DRAKE Mrs Betsey 27 April 1852 aged 48 years 12 months and 21 days after a lingering illness she was the wife of Mr Jonathan Drake and daughter of the lats Ephraim Leonard of Middleborough ELLIS Mr Joel Attleborongh Mass 18 July aged 92 years 6 months 27 days "

Mellicent Carver and Thomas Drake Marriage 1680-1 Marshfield Mass

The New England Historical and Genealogical Register By New England Historic Genealogical Society: "Josiah Slawson and Mary Williamson Jun m 12 Mar 1678 9 Israel Holmes and Anna Rouse m April 1678 Robert Stanford and Mary Williamson widow 22 Jan 1679 Mellicent Carver wid and Thomas Drake m 9 March 1680 1 Samuel Thomas and Mercy fford m 27 May 1680 Benjamin Phillips and Sarah Thomas 12 Jan 1681 Thomas Bourne and Elizabeth Rouse m 18 April 1681 Israel Holmes and Desire Sherman m 24 Nov 1681 "

Early Settlers Of Essex and Old Norfolk

The New England Historical and Genealogical Register By New England Historic Genealogical Society: "DRAKE Robert Hampton will 1663 ch Abraham Nathaniel Susanna Nathaniel had 2 das viz Rachel and Jane Abraham had Susanna Sarah Mary Elizabeth and Hannah IÏ ulicit of Exeter owned house in Hampton 1650 Robert N Eng ab 1636 Exeter bef 1649 Hampton 1650 d there 14 Jan 1668 ae 88 ch 1 Nathaniel2 b 1612 m 2dly probably Jane wid of Wm Berry of Little Harbor 2 Susannah5 3 Abraham3 b 1620 wf Jane Nathaniel9 probably removed to N Jersey Abraham2 had ch 1 Susanna3 m Capt Anthony Bracket who was killed by the Indians 2 Abraham3 b 29 Dec 1654 wf Sarah 3 Sarah b 20 Aug 1656 4 Mary3 b 25 Mar 1658 5 Elizabeth3 b II July 1660 m perhaps Thomas Beadle of Salem 18 7 1679 Hannah3 b 14 Oct 1662 Robert3 b 27 Sept 1664 d 6 Feb 1743 m Sarah Knowles 19 Oct 1716 She d 1742 ae 65 Abraham2 lived in Hampton whe"

John A Child Marriage to Sarah L. Drake

The New England Historical and Genealogical Register By New England Historic Genealogical Society: "MARRIAGES CHILD Mr JOHN A to Miss Sarah L Drake both of Weybridge Vt by Rev CB Drake at Royalton Vt 10 March LAWRENCE Mr JAMES son of Hon Abbot Lawrence to Elizabeth dau of William H Prescott Esq 16 March at Boston "

Robert Beedle Marriage To Elizabeth Drake

The New England Historical and Genealogical Register By New England Historic Genealogical Society: "ae 42 1670 BEEDLE Robert ae 36 in 1672 Samuel Beadle Salem will 12 May 1663 4 ch Nathaniel Samuel Thomas Dorothy & Elizabeth Robert ae 36 in 1669 Robert ae 4 in 1669 Thomas m Elizabeth Drake 18 7 1679 ch Elizabeth b 9 July 1681 2 Mary 5 April 1683 3 Thomas b 16 March 1685 4 Benjamin 7 7 1687 5 Thomas 10 12 1689 90 6 John 14 12 1691 2 "

Abraham Drake Sr. Oath of Aleagance

The New England Historical and Genealogical Register By New England Historic Genealogical Society: "Hampton A list of y names of those Aleagance ye 4th of ye 10th m 1648 error 10 h m 1678 Christopher Hussey John Moulton jun Dan Lampry Nath Batcheller Sen Sam ffilbrick John Dearborn John Knowles Daniel ffogg William ffuller S Tho Roby Joseph Sanborn John Marston William ffuller jun Henry Deareborn Benjamin ffifeild Tho Brown Morris Hobbs sen John Brown sen James ffilbrick Nath Weare Abraham Drake sen ffrancis Page Israel Cleford John Moulton James Hobbs Abraham Pirkins Gersom Elkins James Prescott Joseph Dow Benjamin Moulton John Tuck Edward Gove Sam Dalton jun Sam Colcord Jacob Green Joseph Dow jun John Tayler Ebenerer Pirkins Jno Knowles jun William Samborn j Sam Cass Jacob Garland Joseph Firkins Tobias Langly Henry Dow John Garland Anthony Stanian John Miriam Jonathan Firkins John Hobbs John Fuller Thomas Levitt Jonathan Wedgwood"

Abraham Drake Jr Oath Of Allegiance

The New England Historical and Genealogical Register By New England Historic Genealogical Society: "The same y 25th of Aprill 1678 in Hampton Jonathan Pirkins Joseph Swett Aratus Levitt Humphrey Pirkins Joseph Dow j Benj ffifield Benjamin Cram James Hobbs Sam ffilbrick Sam Roby Tho Page Caleb Pirkins Israel Clifford Morris Hobbs j Tho Philbrick jun Benja Swett John Tuck Return Johnson Jno Moulton Phillip Towle j Tho Roliy Aron Sleeper Tho Thurton Jno Clifford jun Nehemia Hobbs Jonathan Philbrick Jacob Green Benj Moulton Benj Brown Joseph Wedgwood John Tayler Peter Weare John Redman j Phillip Towles Joseph Sanborn Joseph Smith Gershom Elking Joseph Nud James Marstou Joseph Cass Willi Samborn jun Isaac Godfrey Tho Brown Willi ffuller jun John Blake Joseph Perking Willi Swayne Jno Levitt Sam Dalton jun Nath Batcheller j Nath Huggins Abraham Drake jun John Knowels Sam Cass Sam1 flbgg Jno Smith Tayler Eleazer Pirkins Rich Samborn Ephraim"

John Drake Family relocation 1726

The New England Historical and Genealogical Register By New England Historic Genealogical Society: "His wife belonged to one of the most respectable and wealthy families in the town Her brothers were named Thomas John Samuel and Hosea The latter died young the other names are common in the family In the list of members admitted to the West Parish Church in Yarmouth since April 16 1729 among the first entries is Dorothy Oats wife of John Oats John Joyce on of Hoaea widow married John Drake of Yarmouth who with his family removed to East Greenwich RI about the year 1726 Yarmouth Reg 12 Nov 1816 sa D "

Augustus and Festus Drake

The New England Historical and Genealogical Register By New England Historic Genealogical Society: "Prisoners Capt Wm Goodrich Lt John Cumpton Ashley Goodrich serg Augustus Drake do Festus Drake Doyle Jabez Chalker Benj Buckman Samuel Buckman Paul Doran John Parrot Тлпп T pp IU11I1 XJCC David Pettes Caleb Northrup Roswell Ballard Rowell Foot Oliver Avery Elijah Alden Benj Pearce Abner Day "

Phineas Drake Marriage

Ontario History By Ontario Historical Society, Ontario Historical Society: "Marriage December 24th 1829 Phineas Drake yeoman and Catharine Hughes spinster both of the Township of Southwold were this day married by me by license Witnesses Wm Drake Margaret Drake Marriage "

William Drake Witness to Marriage 1828

Ontario History By Ontario Historical Society, Ontario Historical Society: "Marriage St Thomas 3rd November 1828 Thomas Pennington of the Township of Malahide yeoman and Laura Dewey of the same township spinster were this day married by me by banns Witnesses John Caray William Drake Morris Sovereign George D Spades "

Thomas Drake Marriage Yarmouth

Vashti Wood Bride
Thomas Drake Groom

Witnesses Phineas Drake
James McQueen
Amos M Barnes
George D Spades

Ontario History By Ontario Historical Society, Ontario Historical Society: "Marriage 17th April 1828 Thomas Drake of the Township of Yarmouth yeoman and Vashti Wood of the Township of Southwold spinster were this day married by me by license Witnesses Phineas Drake James McQueen Amos M Barnes George D Spades "

William Drake Witness to Hess-Batchelor Marriage Yarmouth

Ontario History By Ontario Historical Society, Ontario Historical Society: "Marriage 27th January 1828 John Hess of Yarmouth yeoman and Permit Maria Batchelor of the same township spinster were this day married by me by banns according to the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England Witnesses Richard Nicolls William Drake Abraham Smith Hosia Baker Burial 28th 1828 This a child of John Welter of South "

R.C. Drake witness to O'Reilly marriage

Ontario History By Ontario Historical Society, Ontario Historical Society: "Marriage 12th November 1827 John O Reilly of the Township of Yarmouh farmer and Diana With of the same township widow were this day married by me by banns Witnesses RC Drake Abel Bigsley Benjamin C Doan "

Frances Drake Spinster Marriage 1826

Ontario History By Ontario Historical Society, Ontario Historical Society: "Marriage 27th June 1826 George Teeple of Yarmouth yeoman and Frances Drake of the same township spinster were this day married by me by banns Witnesses Abram Eveland John Littell Edward Teeple "

Richard D Drake 1826 St. Thomas

Ontario History By Ontario Historical Society, Ontario Historical Society: "Baptism St Thomas 7th May 1826 Eleanor infant daughter of George D Spades and Mary his wife born 4th March was this day baptised by me by public baptism Richard D Drake Mary Spades Margaret Drake Sponsors "

Richard Drake of Southwold 1825

Ann Melissa
Richard D Drake Father
Elizabeth Drake Wife

Other Names
Margaret Drake
Elizabeth Drake
Richard D. Drake

Ontario History By Ontario Historical Society, Ontario Historical Society: "Baptism 20th December 1825 Ann Melissa aged 2 years and 3 1 2 months daughter of Richard D Drake of Southwold and Elizabeth his wife "

Text not available
Ontario History By Ontario Historical Society, Ontario Historical Society

William Drake Yarmouth 1825

Names Mentioned
Eleanor Drake
William Drake Father

Location St Thomas

Ontario History By Ontario Historical Society, Ontario Historical Society: "Burial 12th December 1825 Eleanor Drake daughter of William Drake of Yarmouth aged 13 years died on llth inst and was buried by me this day in the Churchyard of St Thomas Burial "

Thomas Drake Yarmouth 1824

Names Mentioned
Thomas Drake
Phinehas Drake
Emily -Wife of Phinehas
Richard C Drake
Richard D. Drake

Ontario History By Ontario Historical Society, Ontario Historical Society: "Baptism St Thomas 1st August 1824 Thomas infant son of Phinehas Drake and Emily his wife Yarmouth was baptised by me this day by public baptism Richard C Drake Richard D Drake Mary Spades Sponsor "

Roger Drake

The London Magazine, Or, Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer By Isaac Kimber, Edward Kimber: "The fame d y the following gentlemen were chofen directors of the E ft lndia company vix W Baiir Efq Aid Re Bootleg Rich Cbaancy Efqrs Sir Ja Creed Knt Cba Cults Rr ger Drake Sam Feake Abel Fcnnereau Peter Godfrey Cia Cough Job Hope Mich Imply Sir Lew Nicb Limotod Wm Matba fJatb niel Nfwnbam jun Jibn Payne Tbo Pbiff t jfones Raymond Wi liam Rider John Tbcristia Wbicbcott Turner Wm Willy and Ja Winer Efqn Thofe mark d with are new ones "

The History of the Town and Parish of Halifax Containing a Description of the Town, the Nature of the Soil, &c. &c. &c.; an Account of the Gentry and

The History of the Town and Parish of Halifax Containing a Description of the Town, the Nature of the Soil, &c. &c. &c.; an Account of the Gentry and Other Eminent Persons Born in the Said Town, and the Liberties Thereof, Also, Its Antient Customs, and Modern Improvements; Also, the Unparelled Tragedies Committed by Sir John Eland of Eland, and His Grand Antagonists; with a Full Account of the Lives and Deaths of Wilkin Lockwood, and Adam Beaumont, Esquires; Also, a Catalogue of the Several Vicars of Halifax Church, with the Time of Their Institution and Death By Midgley, Samuel, d. 1695, Nelson, Samuel Midgley, William Bentley: "Item I doe give unto the eldrr daughter of Mr Hughe Ramfden late Vicar of Halifax deceafed three poundes To my deare freind Mri Sufaa Nailer relict of Mr Xpo fer Nailer deceafed three pounds To John Drake the fonn"

Francis Drake Halifax

The History of the Town and Parish of Halifax Containing a Description of the Town, the Nature of the Soil, &c. &c. &c.; an Account of the Gentry and Other Eminent Persons Born in the Said Town, and the Liberties Thereof, Also, Its Antient Customs, and Modern Improvements; Also, the Unparelled Tragedies Committed by Sir John Eland of Eland, and His Grand Antagonists; with a Full Account of the Lives and Deaths of Wilkin Lockwood, and Adam Beaumont, Esquires; Also, a Catalogue of the Several Vicars of Halifax Church, with the Time of Their Institution and Death By Midgley, Samuel, d. 1695, Nelson, Samuel Midgley, William Bentley: "DRAKE FRANCIS Lived part of his time in Halifax and died there He took the degree of MA and publiflied The nature of lying and of moral truth fet forth in two fermons from Ephef iv 25 preached in the church of "

Drake vs Drake

Lawyers' Reports Annotated By Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company: "October 1 1882 APPEAL by plaintiff from a judgment of the Geueral Term of the Supreme Court First Department affirming a judgment of a Special Term for New York County dismissing tbe complaint in an action brought to set aside a certain portion of the will of Mary Hopeton Drake deceased Affirmed Statement by Follett Ch J May 24 1871 James Drake died at the city of New York seised in fee of eleven houses and lots in that city which were a part of a large estate left by him He left him surviving three sisters Susan A Drake Sarah A Lawrence and Магу М Keese his only heirs At the date of the will and at the time of his death Susan A Drake had seven children then living and Sarah A Lawrence three children then living Mary M Keese hrul no descendants then living Charles N Black a grandson of Sarah A Lawrence born in March "