Friday, November 28, 2008

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The Riverton Minister By Martin Post

The History of Union, Conn By Charles Hammond, Harvey Merrill Lawson

The History of Union, Conn By Charles Hammond, Harvey Merrill Lawson: "ANSON PAUL son of Samuel settled in London Canada West He married first Margaret Drake second Caroline Childs of Woodstock and had two children SAMUEL PAUL son of Samuel married first Rebecca Knowlton who died February 3 1840 second Silence Knowlton April 17 1842 both daughters of Marvin Knowlton He lived at Union and at London Canada and had children "

The History of Union, Conn By Charles Hammond, Harvey Merrill Lawson

The History of Union, Conn By Charles Hammond, Harvey Merrill Lawson: "JONAH DRAKE lived in town during the Revolution and served in the army He married Sarah Ward daughter of John and granddaughter of William Ward They had several children and removed to Belchertown Mass "
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The History of Union, Conn By Charles Hammond, Harvey Merrill Lawson

The History of Union, Conn By Charles Hammond, Harvey Merrill Lawson

The History of Union, Conn By Charles Hammond, Harvey Merrill Lawson: "was was the towns of Union and Stafford not far from the year 1750 The territory known as Union lands was sold by a com mitteee appointed and impowered by the General Assembly of his Majesty"
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Centennial History of Missouri (the Center State) One Hundred Years in the Union, 1820-1921 By Walter Barlow Stevens

The History of Union, Conn By Charles Hammond, Harvey Merrill Lawson

The History of Union, Conn By Charles Hammond, Harvey Merrill Lawson: "21 1773 May 15 1774 William Abbott Mary Abbott June 5 1774 Jonas Drake Sarah Moor wife of John Moor February 5 1775 Richard Child Abigail Child his wife March 26 1775 Elizabeth Coburn Daniel Coburn by letters Rachel Coburn his wife by letter September 22 1776 Mary Horton "

Register of the Freemen of the City of York From the City Records ... 1272-1759 By York (England), Francis Collins

Register of the Freemen of the City of York From the City Records ... 1272-1759 By York (England), Francis Collins: "PER PATBES Jonas Drake vintner and innholder fil Roberti Drake tayler Johannes Suttle mercator fil Willelmi Suttle mercatoris Wülelmus Heild fil Willelmi Heild translator Johannes Hollina butcher fil Lucœ Hollins butcher Johannes Mason whitesmith fil Thomœ Mason translator Seth Lazenby chandler fil Seth Lazenby chandler Johannes Busfield goldsmith fil Willelmi Busfield goldsmith Josias Truslove sadler fil Roberti Truslove Will Sugar tallowchandler fil Francisci Sugar tallowchandler Georgius Smith carpenter fil Willelmi Smith chimist "
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Centennial History of Missouri (the Center State) One Hundred Years in the Union, 1820-1921 By Walter Barlow Stevens
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Centennial History of Missouri (the Center State) One Hundred Years in the Union, 1820-1921 By Walter Barlow Stevens

Historical Collections By Michigan State Historical Society

Historical Collections By Michigan State Historical Society: "125 iii FRANK HADLEY died in infancy 56 RACHEL AXFORD m William Drake lived in Hackettstown NJ 126 i HENRIETTA DRAKE m James Duffee had a number of children 127 ii MAROARET DBAKE m Budd 128 iii CATHERINE DRAKE m Jacob Fiock had 4 children 129 iv ALBERT DRAKE 130 v WILLIAM DRAKE 131 vi RICHARD DRAKE 57 MARGARET AXFORD m Richard VanHorn lived in Orange NJ 132 i MABOABET VAN HORN m Simpson son of Bishop Simpson 133 ii AXFORD VAN HORN "

Collections By New-York Historical Society

Collections By New-York Historical Society: "Page 120 In the name of God Amen I JONATHAN WEIGHT of Flushing Queens County yeoman this 4th day of June 1779 in order to settle my worldly affairs to prevent any differences after my decease I do make this my last will and testament I leave to my loving daughter Melicent Hunt half of my real estate in Flushing or elsewhere and half of my personal estate To my loving daughter Hannah Drake and her two youngest sons Stephen and Richard Drake the other half of my real and personal estate equally divided one third to each my said grandsons "
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Collections By New-York Historical Society

The History of Old St. David's Church Radnor, in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, with a Complete Alphabetical List of Wardens and Vestrymen, and of the

The History of Old St. David's Church Radnor, in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, with a Complete Alphabetical List of Wardens and Vestrymen, and of the Interments in the Graveyard, 1700-1906 By Delaware County Historical Society (Delaware County, Pa.), Henry Pleasants, Delaware county historical society, Delaware County Historical Society, Delaware County Historical Association (Pa.): "D John Daniel d 2 6 1861 74th year Catharine Daniel wife of John Daniel d 8 8 1870 79th year Hunter Daniels son of John and Catharine Daniels d 3 23 1852 27 years Mary Darraugh d 12 14 1848 57th year Capt John Davis b 1816 d 1871 Jennie M Day b 1864 d 1901 Richard Drake d 7 26 1808 "Text not available
The History of Old St. David's Church Radnor, in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, with a Complete Alphabetical List of Wardens and Vestrymen, and of the Interments in the Graveyard, 1700-1906 By Delaware County Historical Society (Delaware County, Pa.), Henry Pleasants, Delaware county historical society, Delaware County Historical Society, Delaware County Historical Association (Pa.)

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society: "Susanna Wolleston ye daughter of Nicholas Wolleston was baptised Novemb 8 1611 Philip Bracks ye sonne of Edward Dracks was baptised Novemb 24 1641 Thomas Jackson ye soune of Nicholas Jackson was baptised Decemb 5 1641 Jane Lyttou ye daughter of Joseph Lytton was baptised Decemb 5 1641 Dorithy MidtQehurstye daughter of Humphry Middlehurst was baptised Decemb 19 CHRISTENINGS "

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society: "was Alee James ye daughter of Thomas James was baptised Novemb 15 1640 Edward Bracks ye soune of Edward Bracks was baptised Novemb 18 1640 Thomas Parnell ye sonue of Thomas Parnell was baptised Novemb 22 1640 Edward Mason ye soune of Edward Mason was baptised Deeemb 10 1640 Katherin Hews vc daughter of Robert Hews was baptised Decemb 20 1640 "

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society: "James Prescott soune of Alexander Prescott was baptized the Seavententh February 1604 Elizabeth Moth daughter of John Moth was baptized the second of Aprill 1605 Robert Clayse sonne of Daniell Claise was baptized the fourteenth of Aprill 160.5 Christian Drake daughter of John Drake was baptized the same xiiiith of Aprill 1605 Nicholas Booth sonne of Will m Booth was baptized the xxvith day of Aprill 1605 Elizabeth Trewyre daughter of John Trever was baptized the same xxvith day of Aprill 1605 Joseph Hawes sonne of Humfrey Hawes was baptized the fiveth day of Maye "

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society: "John Harbert sonne of William Harbert was baptized the xiith daie of January 1611 Elizabeth Sharples daughter of Thomas Sharples was baptized the Scecond t c daie of February 1611 Lawrence Drake sonne of John Drake was baptized the xxth of February 1611 Martha Wrighte daughter of John Wrighte mercer was baptized the xvth of March 1611 Mary Hawes daughter of George Hawes was baptized the xxiith of Marche 1611 Mary Haward daughter of Robert Haward was baptized the xxixth of Marche 1612 "

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society: "Tho Coltherst Mary Hawes daughter of Humfrey Hawes was baptized the xxiiiith daie of September 1609 Robert Hooke sonne of Robert Hooke was baptized the Firste daie of October 1609 Robert Hawes sonne of George Hawes was baptized the viiith daie of October 1609 Martha Drake daughter of John Drake was baptized the same daie Grace Clay daughter of John Clay was baptized the xxixth of October 1609 Hanna Sell daughter of John Sell was baptized the xix daie of November 1609 Elizabeth Wrighte daughter of John Wrighte mercer was baptized the xxxth of December 1609 James Cluatt sonne of James Cluatt was baptized the vth daie of January 1609 Ellinor Baldwin daughter of sic Baldwin was baptized the xth of January 1609 "

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society: "Alexander Bardney sonne of Alexander Bardney was baptized the xiiiith daie of June 1607 Sara Drake daughter of John Drake was baptized the same xiiiith day of June 1607 Beniamyn Hurley sonne of William Hurley was baptized the fiveth daie of July 1607 Anne Hewes daughter of Edward Hewes was baptized the Ninth daie of August 1607 "

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society: "Nahoamy Boyle daughter of Richard Boyle was baptized the xith daie of December 1603 Richard Drake sonne of John Drake was baptized on the xviiith daie of December 1603 Suzanna Palmer daughter of Thomas Palmer was baptized the same xviiith Daie Elizabeth Clay ye daughter of John Clay was baptized the first daie of Januarie "

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society: "Mary Tirrey the daughter of John Tirrey was baptized the vith daie of Julie 1600 Frauncis Abney daughter of Anthonie Abney was baptized the xviith of Auguste 1600 Ann Drake the daughter of John Drake was baptized the xiiiith daie of September 1600 Bennett Bateman daughter of Thomas Bateman was baptized ye xiith of October 1600 John Prescott sonne of Alexander Prescott was baptized the xixth of October 1600 "

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society: "Margarett Darby the daughter of Clement Darby was baptized the xith day of Marche 1598 Richard Drake the sonne of John Drake was baptized the xiiith day of May 1599 Rebecca Boyle the daughter of Richard Boyle was baptized the xxviiith day of May 1599 Gregory Symson the sonne of Thomas Symson was baptized the thirde day of June 1599 Elizabeth Terrey the daughter of John Terrey was baptized the Firste day of July 1599 Elizabeth Baxter the daughter of Guy Baxter was baptized the xvth day of July 1599 Walter Bates the sonne of David Bates was baptized the xxvth day of July 1599 "

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society: "Anne Tounlay was christened the viith day of Aprill 1569 John Martyn was christened the viiith day of Aprill 1569 Thomas Powlton was christened the xvth day of May 1569 Isabel was christened the xvith day of May 1569 Beatrice C was christened the xixth day of May 1569 Sara Phillipps was christened the viii t day of June 1569 William Drake was christened the xxiiith day of June 1569 James Marten was christened the vth day of Auguste 1569 Elizabeth Wintche was christened the xviiith day of September 1569 John Marten was christened the xvith day of October 1569 John Hutchinson was christened the xvith day of October 1569 Elizabeth Wodnall was christened the xxviiith day of October 1569 Roberte Marshe was christened the vith day of November 1569 Audrey Duke was christened the xxiiiith day of December 1569 Peter More was christened the thirde day of February 1569 "
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Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society: "was Jndithe Marche was christned the viiith day of December 1560 Johane Leonard was christned the xvth day of December 1560 William Clarke was christned the xiiith day of Marche 1560 William Drake was christned the vth day of May 1561 Andrew Ledam was christned the vith day of May 1561 Edward Durichick was christned the xxiiith day of May 1561 Rebecca Johena was christned the x day of June 1561 Johane Moyer was christned the Second day of October 1561 "

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society

Publications of the Harleian Society By Harleian Society, Harleian Society: "Marche 1598 Jared Berrey the sonne of John Berrey was baptized the xth day of Marche 1598 Margarett Darby the daughter of Clement Darby was baptized the xith day of Marche 1598 Richard Drake the sonne of John Drake was baptized the xiiith day of May 1599 Rebecca Boyle the daughter of Richard Boyle was baptized the xxviiith day of May 1599 Gregory Symson the sonne of Thomas Symson was baptized the thirde day of June 1599 "

The Suppression of the African Slave-trade to the United States of America, 1638-1870 By William Edward Burghardt Du Bois

The Suppression of the African Slave-trade to the United States of America, 1638-1870 By William Edward Burghardt Du Bois: "New Orleans 1846 69 Franklin B Dexter Estimates of Population in the American Colonies Worcester 1887 Captain Richard Drake Revelations of a Slave Smuggler being the Autobiography of Capt Richard Drake an African Trader for fifty years from 1807 to 1857 etc New York 1860 Daniel Drayton Personal Memoir etc Including a Narrative of the Voyage and Capture of the Schooner Pearl Published by the American and Foreign Anti Slavery Society Boston and New York John Drayton Memoirs of the American Revolution 2 vols Charleston 1821 "

Calendar of Letters and State Papers Relating to English Affairs Preserved Principally in the Archives of Simancas : Elizabeth, 1558-[1603] By Great B

Calendar of Letters and State Papers Relating to English Affairs Preserved Principally in the Archives of Simancas : Elizabeth, 1558-[1603] By Great Britain Public Record Office, Martin Andrew Sharp Hume, Archivo General de Simancas: "1591 1593 18 March 611 DON PEDRO DE VALDES to LORD BUROHLEY I am so grateful to her Majesty for the gracious favours she Landsilowne 76 ji i i j j i_ i_ 1.11 J extended to me before my departure and to her household and nobility especially your Lordship for kindly giving me permission to salute you whenever occasion offered that for the rest of my life it shall be ever present to me To the full extent of my power will serve you in all things and if my deeds arc insufficient to prove my gratitude to you I will daily remember you in my poor prayers When I was in prison I tried several times to write to your Lordship to give you an account of the cruelty and harshness with pp 2 "

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Calendar of Letters and State Papers Relating to English Affairs Preserved Principally in the Archives of Simancas : Elizabeth, 1558-[1603] By Great Britain Public Record Office, Martin Andrew Sharp Hume, Archivo General de Simancas
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Publications By Yorkshire Archaeological Society Parish Register Section
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A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds in the Public Record Office Prepared Under the Superintendence of the Deputy Keeper of the Records By Great Britain Public Record Office