Sunday, October 5, 2008

John Drake First Church of Southold

SOUTHOLD, FIRST PARISH List of families, with number of persons in each, prepared 25 August 1778.

Bayley, Gamaliel, 3.
Biliardd, Joshua, 6.
Booth/Booath, Joseph, 13; Wealock, 11.
Bradley, widow, 3.
Brown, James, 8.
Burts, Robart, 6.
Busha/Bousseau, John, 11.
Case, Gashem/Gershom, 6; Ichabod, 5; widow Mary, 1; Moses, 14; widow ye 2nd, 7; widow ye 3rd, 3 [one widow is Esther]; William, 4.
Chase, Philip, 4.
Cleavland, Ichabud, 6; Joseph, 11.
Conkling, widow Anna, 6; Henery, 4; John, 13.
Corwin, Samuel, 13.
Davis, Benjamin, 6.
Downs, James, 5.
Drake, John, 5.
Goldsmith, John, 4; Nathaniel, 7; Zacharias, 4.
Hains, Nathan, 4.

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