Friday, September 19, 2008

Enoch Drake

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records By Charles William Manwaring: "Page 210 Hail John Windsor Invt s6 O1 o1 Taken 25 January 1708 9 by James Enno Jr and John Bissell Court Record Page 120 24 January 1708 9 This Court grant Adms on the estate of John Hail late of Windsor decd carpenter unto Samuel Barber Sen Page 125 4 April 1709 Samuel Barber being now deceased this Court appoint Enoch Drake Adms Page 136 5 December 1709 The Adms is ordered to sell land to pay the debts Page 15 Vol VIII 5 June 1710 Whereas this Court 1sth November 1709 did order and direct Enoch Drake of Windsor Adms on the estate of John Hale carpenter decd to sell all the lands belonging to that estate for the payment of the debts to the best bidder that should appear to buy and purchase the same and whereas the sd Enoch Drake hath given public notice that the land was so to be sold and thereupon nobody hath yet appeared or offered to "

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