Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Joseph, Benjamin and Moses Drake West Chester

History of Westchester County New York, Including Morrisania, Kings Bridge, and West Farms, which Have Been Annexed to New York City edited by John Thomas Scharf: "to be is be WHITE PLAINS IN THE COUNTY OF WESTCHESTFR the llth day of April 1775 On the 28th day of March last the following Gentlemen having received letters from the Chair man of the Committee of the City and County if New York relative to the appointment of Deputit s for this County met at this place for the purpose of devising means for taking the Sense of this County upon the Subject viz Col Lewis Morris Theodosius B trlow Esq Thomas Hunt William Button Esq Abraham Leggot Capt Joseph Drake James Horton Jr Esq James Willis Stephen Ward Benjamin Drake Abraham Guion Esq Moses Drake who having taken the Same into consideration agreed to send the following notification to the principal freeholders in the different Towns ami districts in the Count"

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