Friday, September 26, 2008

Probate of Samuel Drake Sr NY will

Names Mentioned
Samuel Drake Sr.
Lofelan/Loughlin/Loffel Slater-Son in Law
Joseph Jones Son in Law to Samuel Drake
Rebecca Wife of Joseph Jones, Daughter of Samuel Drake

East Chester
The Bronx

The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record By Richard Henry Greene, Henry Reed Stiles, Melatiah Everett Dwight, George Austin Morrison, Hopper Striker Mott, John Reynolds Totten, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Louis Effingham De Forest, Harold Minot Pitman, Charles Andrew Ditmas, Conklin Mann, Arthur S. Maynard: "Samuel Drake Sr of Eastchester deeded to daughter Ruth Drake 80 acres of land in Bronx in 1679 Samuel Drake Sr of Eastchester deeded to son in law Lofeland Slather 80 acres of land in Bronksis in 1682 Liber A p 39 In 1679 Rutn Drake acknowledges to have received her portion from her father Samuel Drake Sr and in 1682 Loften Seafferton of Brunkshes River do fully allow approve etc that which my loving wife hath done for our maredge in acquitting her honoured father Samuel Drake etc Eastchester Town Records In the records of the two wills of Samuel Dr"

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