Saturday, September 27, 2008

Abraham Drake Jr Oath Of Allegiance

The New England Historical and Genealogical Register By New England Historic Genealogical Society: "The same y 25th of Aprill 1678 in Hampton Jonathan Pirkins Joseph Swett Aratus Levitt Humphrey Pirkins Joseph Dow j Benj ffifield Benjamin Cram James Hobbs Sam ffilbrick Sam Roby Tho Page Caleb Pirkins Israel Clifford Morris Hobbs j Tho Philbrick jun Benja Swett John Tuck Return Johnson Jno Moulton Phillip Towle j Tho Roliy Aron Sleeper Tho Thurton Jno Clifford jun Nehemia Hobbs Jonathan Philbrick Jacob Green Benj Moulton Benj Brown Joseph Wedgwood John Tayler Peter Weare John Redman j Phillip Towles Joseph Sanborn Joseph Smith Gershom Elking Joseph Nud James Marstou Joseph Cass Willi Samborn jun Isaac Godfrey Tho Brown Willi ffuller jun John Blake Joseph Perking Willi Swayne Jno Levitt Sam Dalton jun Nath Batcheller j Nath Huggins Abraham Drake jun John Knowels Sam Cass Sam1 flbgg Jno Smith Tayler Eleazer Pirkins Rich Samborn Ephraim"

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