Sunday, September 28, 2008

London Drake Marriage Licences

Francis Drake
Francis Drake
George Drake
Henry Drake
Humphrey Drake
John Drake
John Drake
Ralph drake
Thomas Drake
Thomas Drake
William Drake

London Marriage Licences, 1521-1869 By Joseph Foster, Joseph Lemuel Chester, John Ward Dean: "London and Anne Stocking of same widow at Stepney Middlesex 22 July 1626 B Drake Francis of St Martin Ont wich apothecary bachelor 24 and Thomazine Lukyn of вате spinster 25 daughter of Edward Lukin of same gent who consents at same 9 April 1630 B Drake Francis of Middle Temple gent bachelor about 30 and Mrs Ann Woodward of Stratton Andley со Oxon spinster about 16 her father"

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