Sunday, September 28, 2008

Philemon and Elijah Drake

Pioneers of Old Hopewell with Sketches of Her Revolutionary Heroes With Sketches of Her Revolutionary Heroes By Ralph Ege: "Hopewell at the time of its occurrence The manuscript is in possession of Enoch Drake Esq of Columbia Avenue and has been in the possession of the Drake family for many years While the author of the verses is unknown it is fair to assume that they were composed by Mr Joseph Titus who was a neighbor of Mr Hart and who was much giyen to expressing himself in ryhmes Two of the daughters of Mr Titus Hannah and Phebe married Philemon and Elijah Drake and the verses doubtless came into the possession of the Drake family through that channel In article No 14 of this series will be found the record of Mr Titus as a soldier and also some verses written by him for the Trenton Gazette in advertising a stolen horse in 1779 The verses below were written about the same time and in "

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