Sunday, September 28, 2008

Eliza Daughter of Jefferson Drake

Pioneers of Old Hopewell with Sketches of Her Revolutionary Heroes With Sketches of Her Revolutionary Heroes By Ralph Ege: "NUMBER XIV Abigail the third child of Isaac Golden married Peter Wilson and removed to Oxford Indiana 4 Susan married Nathaniel Smith son of Timothy removed to Mount Halthy Ohio and had seven children one son and six daughters 5 Jacob married Martha A daughter of Edward Lanningof Lawrence and sister of Hon A Price Lanning They had seven children viz George married Sarah daughter of Noah Reed and had five children viz Noah R Jacob Charles MR Sarah M and Mary E Sarah daughter of Jacob married WW Meredith a Baptist clergyman of Delaware Edward L married Emma daughter of Peter Vanderveer Van Dyke of Hopewell He died soon after and his widow married John Q McPherson and resides in Pennington Elizabeth married Chas Pierson of Lawrence Ebenezer W married Anna daughter of Reuben Savidge who was"

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