Sunday, September 28, 2008

Nathan Drake

Pioneers of Old Hopewell with Sketches of Her Revolutionary Heroes With Sketches of Her Revolutionary Heroes By Ralph Ege: "of the schools at Cordova David youngest child of James Larison born March 8 1757 married September 15 1780 Jerusha daughter of Ethan Smith and sister of Temperance who married Hart Olden and became the mother of Charles Smith Olden afterward governor of New Jersey She also had a brother Dr Charles Smith a wealthy and prominent citizen of New Brunswick David Larison settled on the farm adjoining the James Larison tract on the north now the property of Mr ES Titus of the Borough They had four children viz Jonathan born September 1 1781 Amos born May 7 1784 resided in Ohio and had two daughters died in 1839 Charles born July 24 1793 resided in Cass County Indiana had twelve children and died in 1841 Enoch born November 2 1796 removed to Cincinnati Ohio when it was a small town"

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