Sunday, September 28, 2008

London Marriage Licences, Drax

Edward Drax
Henry Drax
Henry Drax
James Drax
John Drax
Thomas Drax

London Marriage Licences, 1521-1869 By Joseph Foster, Joseph Lemuel Chester, John Ward Dean: "Draz Edward Draxe of St John Zachary citizen and joiner of London bachelor 30 and Bridget Offley of same spinster 25 at same 21 Oct 1639 B Draz Henry of Hackney со Middlesex esq bachelor aged 24 and Frances Tufton spinster 20 daughter of Mrs Tufton of St Botolph Aldersgate London widow who consents at St Botolph aforesaid 16 Feb 166 JF Draz Henry of Southampton Buildings Middlesex esq widower about 30 and Dorothy Lovelace of Little Queen Street said county spinster about 21 her mother"

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